Monday, November 12, 2007


Okay, so finally I have managed to have the camera, its cable, the computer, and myself all at the same house at the same time. I pulled the second color on the emerging ponderosa pine linocut... when? Last week Friday? Took photos and then promptly misplaced the camera.

Of course, now that I have downloaded the photos, I have discovered that the camera struggled even more than I expected to get an image.... but the prints are hanging in the studio at home and I am at the home of those Majorca-visiting friends mentioned earlier.. so we have to put up with this. The colors are actually a very pale gray blue, and an only-slightly-less pale gray blue... but you get the idea. (They look much more contrast-y here.) The next carve will be to print green, methinks. Starting tomorrow.

But today it is gray and cool... and I've already had to build a fire in the stove to keep dog, cat, and artist comfy. Could it be we're finally succumbing to autumn?

1 comment:

  1. Good Afternoon,

    I am Mike Turner the relations director at I spotted your blog on google and really liked it. We at are currently creating a section of the site which will link to good quality blogs like yours as our audience has expressed that they think its a good idea of ours to create such a section.

    Just to fill you in on what is about, we provide art news, information on modern art movements and offer advice on buying art.

    We would like to add a link to your blog from our links section: and we would ask you to provide us with a description of your blog so that we can add it next to your link.

    We are only selecting a few blogs to link to so that the focus remains on quality. We spotted an artist blog by an artist called Viv King who is a south African artist. Have a look at her blog and you will see that she has added a link back to from her blog. The link is titled The Modern Art Resource - and it is about half way down the page. Another artist we spotted was Wendy Miller at . If you would like us to link to your blog we would ask that you do the same. Visit and you will find all the information you need in order to link to us.

    We look forward to adding your blog to, but please let us know if this ok. We always like to seek permision before we link to other sites.

    Keep up the good work with the blog!

    Kind Regards

    Mike Turner

    Relations Director


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...