But the squirrels have started to catch on to the new regime. They no longer stride up before our feet expecting handouts, and they're not perched in our faces at the windows.
The previous occupants also apparently had a dog which, near as we can tell, they NEVER cleaned up after. We owe our friend Susan for the rest of our lives, as she tackled doody duty while we were schlepping our belongings on moving day. Two large lawn bags worth. As the DM observed, "Even the dog would have been grossed out by it."
You would think that all that dog-and-squirrel activity would have made this place unattractive to neighborhood cats. You would be mistaken. There have been a couple we've chased out of the yard on a regular basis, and one we were fairly certain was making camp under the back deck.
But then the month-long roof replacement ordeal began and we ceased to see stray cats in the yard. Of course, the fact that we couldn't even GET in the back yard for more than a week probably skewed our data set.
The roofers finally cleaned up and got everything out of here on Saturday.
On Sunday, we discovered THIS:

Yes, indeed! Somehow during all the construction noise and dirt and chaos, this stray cat managed to birth kittens under the deck (three of them, in complete mockery of my previous post) and to raise them to the roaming- about- the- yard stage.
I am not opposed to cats, although I am quite allergic to them. I am, however, opposed to cats roaming about in the big, wide world making trouble for themselves and other critters. This little cadre is, of COURSE, encamped as far back under the deck as it is possible to get... and so far every time we step in to the yard they make a beeline for their squatters' base.
I called the local animal control office and was told, "We don't do cats." (WHAT!?!?) So I guess the next step will be to call the animal shelter and see if they have suggestions for enticing wily feral cats into transportation units.
The kittens are, of course, ridiculously cute.... and everyone looks healthy and happy. We just have to find them a place to be happy and healthy other than under the deck. Anybody want a kitten?