Light lingers noticeably longer in the evenings already, not even a month past the winter solstice. Mornings remain another matter... sometimes I am up before the lazy dawn (sometimes
WAY before) and others not. When I downloaded photos from my camera this evening, I found evidence that some time in the last few days I was not only out of bed, but also cognizant enough to recognize a lovely sunrise AND find the camera and make it behave. Funny I wasn't also cognizant enough to remember it even happened until now.
The DM is still in Anaheim at the NAMM show, and in his absence I have been a tad manic. Working, working, working... trying to cram as much productivity into four days as is humanly possible. One of the biggest projects is developing a new e-newsletter (she turns and points subtly to the sign-up bar on your right), and one of the smallest (at least in terms of square inches) is a new little

Yes, tiny again! Just 3x3 inches. The deadline for a mini print exhibition is not far away, and I feel it's a good time to do some itty bitty pieces. What I'm also trying to do (if you must know) is psych myself up for something biggish. 12 x 18 or 18 x 18, methinks. I feel that twitchiness... the kind that foretells a need to stretch past the comfort zone.... but I'm Not. Quite. Ready.

These tiny formats are fun, because I can see progress in a short amount of time... carving doesn't take long, printing doesn't take long. This image will seem a little familiar as it evolves. It's a subject I've done before, larger. I started it because I had scrapes of blue ink left from the "Frozen Shadows" piece... and now, on the verge of a third color, I find I am almost out of white! How did THAT happen? I've more on order, but who knows how long it will take to get here? Argh! I still have light values to mix and print! Bring on the transparent base, maybe?

Well... it's not like I'll be twiddling my thumbs until the ink gets here. Plenty of other projects clamoring for my attention. I just hate it when it's my own lack of foresight that stalls my momentum.
I mentioned last week that I had installed an exhibition at the
Salida Regional Library. It's always nice to have an opportunity to be part of the local public art program, especially at our library. I'm probably overdue for the gushing praise I tend to heap on this institution, but timely or not, gushing praise is completely justified. It's a cozy turn-of-the-previous-century space with a delightful staff and a collection that responds swiftly and graciously to the needs and interests of the community. And the director wrote a darn nice review of my show in the local newspaper, too. (Thanks, jefe.)

Art AND education in a Sherrie exhibition whenever possible. In the image above I have a black and white print hung alongside its block, with a process description for single-color and reduction prints. It's a great starting point for conversation. And way easier to point to pictures than try to explain it clearly. Especially if it's before or after sunrise or sunset. Remember those cognition problems.
And below? You ought to recognize these three pieces, as they unfolded here right before your very eyes. More or less.
More on the 'morrow. I'm going to go set up to squeeze that last bit of white in to the third color for the morning's printing. Before or after the sunrise? No idea.