As a reward for being semi-responsible I took some time last night to glue up a couple more tiny blocks and trim some paper. (Also not glamorous, come to think of it.) I would like to get two more tiny pieces done in the next couple of weeks while I'm trying to decide on the next course of action for larger pieces. Yes, yes... I know I've been saying I'm on the verge of working larger for what? A month? Imagine me pacing the edge of a cliff, waiting to jump in to the void......
Part of the problem is that I suddenly have too many ideas in one respect, and too few in another. There's a Big Deal exhibition deadline approaching for which I'd like to submit a piece to jury, but the show has a theme and I have no inspiration for the theme. It's a good guess that this is why I haven't tried to submit since the last time I was in the show, more than 10 (!) years ago. There are a lot of reasons why I'd like to get back in to this particular loop, but OOPH. It's just elusive.
In the meantime, I've got a backlog of ideas for the "underfoot" linocut series. I mean, come ON... when I'm finding insane stuff like THIS when I go for a walk.....

What's not to love about trying to carve dried grass in snow, I ask you? Think of the hair pulling! The nail biting! The cursing and swearing and questioning of my sanity! Geez. I can't wait.
Come on, admit it. Given a choice between carving little bits of grass and filling out a spreadsheet, which would YOU rather do?