Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back to linocuts

The DM is home from the NAMM show, still recovering from sensory overload but full of ideas. It's good to have him here, but it's funny how quickly I got in to a different routine and how much I'm struggling to find my way back to the old one.

Once again I'm hearing the pounding of deadline drums. I have a contract project that's due, but I also agreed this weekend to a little commission which is due in 10 days! What was I thinking, an 8-color linocut in 10 days? I'd show it to you, but the person it's for is a sometimes reader, and we just don't want to spoil the surprise.

In the meantime, I've also gotten back to the tiny shell lino that I started last week. I think probably just 2 more passes for this little thing, but I'm pleased with how it's moving along. Could be finished by the weekend!


  1. Looking good! and Good luck with all the deadlines.

  2. Watching a print evolve never ceases to delight and amaze me. I too had a week without the spouse this month. It was interesting to feel my own rhythms and tendencies and I sure got a lot done!

  3. Thanks, Debra!

    Annie, I was a little nervous about a week alone just because being on my own rhythm is the thing I have most missed about life as a pair. I was a little afraid that given a taste of it again I would lose momentum when David came home. I did for a couple of days, but am back at it! Whew!


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...