Monday, June 30, 2008

Another busy weekend

This past weekend was the ArtWalk madness here in Salida. It was also the opening of the Impressions exhibition at the Danforth Gallery in Livingston, Montana. Guess which show I missed.

ArtWalk was unfortunately slow this year... lots of people feeling the crunch of weak economy and ever-increasing fuel prices. Still, a goodly number of folks saw some new Sherrie linocuts at Cowgirl Coffee, and the DM had his first two music gigs in his new hometown. (That's the DM entertaining ArtWalkers at Apogee Studio and Cowgirl Coffee.)

We laughed mightily at ourselves on Saturday morning, for our complete lack of culinary foresight. We both woke up famished, so launched out of bed and into the kitchen to make a "big ol' sloppy breakfast" (as the DM likes to call it). Fortified with eggs and turkey bacon and taters and toast, we strolled the block and a half to the farmers' market.

Dang. What were we THINKING? There's food HERE!

More coffee, and of course a delectable slice of apple strudel from the bakery. A loaf of dill bread. Multi-color radishes.

We walked back home, dropped off our purchases (except for the coffee and strudel, already consumed), and headed down to the Steamplant to check out the miniatures exhibition.

Dang. What were we THINKING? There's food HERE! And it's FREE!

Sheesh. We did the entire morning completely backwards. The mini show is a fund-raiser for ArtWalk, and a local sponsor puts up a great little catered breakfast spread during the silent auction hours. Oh, well. The good news is that when one spends the entire morning grazing, one does not have to think about lunch.

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