Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fell winds indeed

Many Brush and Baren readers know the blog Drawing the Motmot and the gorgeous work of my friend Debby Kaspari.

On Monday of this week, Debby and her husband Mike had only enough time to grab the cat and race to their storm shelter before an enormous tornado leveled their Oklahoma home (and Debby's studio). It's a devastating loss for Debby and Mike, and an agonizing time for their many far-flung friends who feel so helpless in the face of this disaster. Folks are mobilizing, so as I hear of opportunities to help, I'll let you know. The first event I know of has been organized by colleagues of theirs in Oklahoma, who are gathering art supplies. The event has been posted on Facebook, here.

They are safe, and they are moving forward. Supportive energy and sustaining thoughts appreciated.

UPDATE: Check the comments for this post for an address to send support directly to Debby. And once Lauren has a bank account set up, I'll let you know about that, too. Thanks, everyone!


  1. Artists are a lovely crowd, aren't they! A similar whip-round was organised here after the March cyclone took out a friend's home and studio.
    Good thoughts to your OK friend.

  2. Sherrie: I'd love to help, but the Facebook event seems geared very locally. Please do post about stuff we can do from further away....


  3. Alison -

    The Facebook event was initially organized as a way for me to help Debby by gathering up supplies from artist friends in Kentucky (where I am from). That said, I am in the process of arranging a foundation account through a bank for monetary donations.

    For those interested in sending art supplies directly to Norman, you may do so by mailing them to the following address:

    Debby Kaspari
    c/o Rosemary Knapp
    535 S Flood Ave.
    Norman, OK 73069

    I will also post this information on Facebook, so check there for any updates.

    Much love,
    Lauren Niemann

  4. Thanks so much, Lauren! I'll make a note on the post so folks know to look here for an address.


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