Monday, April 2, 2012

The Exciting Conclusion

At the conclusion of last week's episode, Use-Only-Five-Colors Woman was engaged in an epic wrestling match with the nefarious Just-One-MORE-Color Woman for possession of the end-of-winter grasses linocut.

The battle raged on for some time, as our superhero and her super-adversary were of equal strength, skill, and stubbornness. (Emphasis on stubbornness.) In the end a compromise was reached... a stalemate, if you please.

UOFC Woman conceded that JOMC Woman could try a sixth color on just one print. Just to appease curiosity.

This is an embiggenable image... so you can decide the victor for yourselves.
(6th color added on the left.)

This action solved nothing, as both versions were deemed meritorious. In the end UOFC Woman and JOMC Woman each took possession of the half of the edition. There was some grumbling heard from both sides, and perhaps there was a little surreptitious fist-shaking behind backs, but territory sharing was embraced in the interest of studio-wide peace.

Whew! That was a close one.


  1. Well, dang! Here I was, cheering for the will to stay with 5...and along came that nefarious JOMCWoman.
    And guess what? She snuck under the fence and convinced me!
    Yes, Sherrie, you could and did use five colours, but(at least on my monitor) the one with the final dark pass (from the Dark Side?Bwahahaha!)does it for me.
    Ah! WhadddoIknow!

  2. I have to agree, I think JOMCWoman was right. Come to the dark(er) side, we have cookies ! :)

  3. JOMC Woman visits me a lot too. Or maybe she's JOMI (impression)since I use watercolor. She is looking for depth (the Dark Side?)and is intent on dragging me in with her. She is usually right!

  4. Absolutely, the darker one. Nothing wrong with being Use Only Six Colors Woman! Beautiful print.

  5. I like them both, with a leaning towards the dark side, but then as you know, I'm a fan of the dead grass/snow theme as well.

  6. I love the extra color as the print just "pops". Also, I was reminded that I frequently want to turn myself into twins so as to get more work done. And then some wag always points out that the girls would quarrel.

  7. Wow, what a battle. Granted, the image on the left "pops" but the one on the right "feels" more like winter grass. I think my compromise would have been to add just a touch of the dark here & there, for accent, so the lighter brown remained dominant. Either way, its a great print!!

  8. Just when we think it's done, you do one more and it's wow! 8-]

  9. Oh, you all have no idea how great you make my days. Your support and humor keep me going all the time.

    "Come to the dark side, we have cookies"... Oh, Marion, I almost spit tea on my keyboard when I read your comment and I haven't been able to get it out of my head... people are starting to look at me like I'm some sort of crazy woman since I keep laughing to myself in public places.

    Thanks, everyone... I respect all of you for the fine work you do and for the time you take to contribute to my process. You're the best.

  10. Enjoyed reading all about it and the darker one "got me " too.Just gave it the bit extra zig.

  11. I'm with JOMC woman too.... The print on the left--at least as far as I can tell from looking at the virtual version--has more zing. Fun to read your process! Thanks for the cartoon character references too. I can see the fist-shaking behind backs clearly. Watch your back(s)! ;~)

  12. pains me to say it :p btu yeah the
    extra colour really makes the piece shine

  13. I am Contrast Woman, so I am siding with JOMC woman on this one. ;-)


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...