Tuesday, March 14, 2017

2-Day Linocut Workshop in Salida, Colorado

Hey, Coloradans! By popular demand, I've scheduled a 2-day reduction linocut workshop here in the Heart of the Rockies. Space is limited to 8 participants and we're over half full already, so if you're interested let me know ASAP!

(Details will be easier to read if you click on the image to embiggen it!)

Click to embiggen


  1. Why, why, why are you offering a class when I can't make it? This is the class I'very been waiting for? Any chance of offering a Color Reduction Linocut Vass in the summer when I can come down and camp with my daughter?

    1. So sorry Sherry! I might try again in late August or mid-September if I can find a good venue.

  2. Do you still have an opening? I may be able to come. If you do another workshop later this year, I will definitely be there! I love your work and would love to try printing!

    1. Hi Lori. YES! As of today I have one spot left. Email me at sy(at)sherrieyork(dot)com and we can sort it out.


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...