Tuesday, June 18, 2019

New video about my work!

Whew! What a great opening weekend for Under Pressure: Birds in the Printed Landscape at the Museum of American Bird Art. I was delighted and touched by the turnout and support for me and my work. Thanks to everyone who came to the museum, asked questions, and shared their delight and curiosity with me. I appreciate all of you.

Now that the show is up, I would like to share the short video made by filmmaker Drew Fulton that accompanies the exhibition. Drew did a great job, and I appreciate all he did to create this great overview of my linocut process and inspiration.

So what's next? This week I'll be catching up with sending some work to a few galleries, plus preparing for next week's 5-morning field sketching workshop with the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland. I think there might be a spot or two left, so if you'd like to join us next week for adventures in sketching outdoors along the Maine coast, pop on over to the Farnsworth website and register!


  1. nice video :) very informative about why you use the subject matter you do
    lol about the colour passes ;)

    1. Thanks, Jenn! It's still a little disconcerting to see/hear myself, but overall I think it came out nice!

  2. I loved this film - you have such a sincere, heartfelt,warm & "knowledgeable from experience" based presence. Your beautiful prints looked so amazing shown full screen - what I imagine they look like in person.

    Thank you and Drew for offering this film. I'm so excited about the process film/course you've hinted at coming sometime this summer.


    1. Hi Lynn,
      I'm glad you enjoyed it... I'm not particularly excited about being on camera, but Drew was great to work with and easy to talk with during the interview portions.

      We are aiming to get the course up this summer, but our respective lives have been slowing things down a bit. But we're still on it! I'm sure I'll make lots of noise about it when we're finally up and running.

      Thanks for taking the time to say hello!

  3. Chreers from Brazil! Great film! I wish I could visit this exhibition!!! I love your prints, the amazing process of reduction and birds, of course :-)

    1. And my greeting from Maine to Brazil! Thank you for taking the time to say hello and introduce yourself, I appreciate it! And I'm delighted you enjoy my work.


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...