Monday, August 30, 2021

L.L. Bean Fall Catalog Cover!


This just happened.

Fall 2021 catalog, request yours at L.L. Bean
Back in July I received a surprising email from the folks at L.L. Bean, the outdoor clothing company based in Freeport, Maine. The author of the email wanted to talk about my linocut "Homeward Bound," and its potential as the cover for their autumn catalog. 

I admit I was so surprised that I did a little online research to make sure the query was legitimate before I responded. (The amount of scam email that targets artists borders on ridiculous, after all.) Reassured, I sent back an enthusiastic "Yes!" and was delighted to work with the project team, who seemed to be as excited as I was about the collaboration. As far as I know, this is the first time they've worked with a printmaker for the catalog cover.

The catalogs should be "in home" as of today, but of course I myself am NOT home at the moment... I am in Colorado! Luckily a friend in Wisconsin received hers yesterday and sent me a photo to prove it really happened. 

So... thanks again to the team at L.L. Bean for their commitment to working with artists! I'm honored to be part of that tradition.

(If you're not on the L.L. Bean mailing list, I think that you will ultimately be able to request a catalog through their website.)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Marieanne! Yes, it's definitely on the top of my "crazy cool things that happened" list!

  2. Congratulations! Outstanding!
    A well deserved reward for you beautiful artwork.
    Ordering the catalog today

    1. Thanks, Salty! ;-) I can't wait to see one "in person," I haven't yet!


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...