Thursday, November 7, 2024

Linocut in Progress: The plot thickens. Or something.

It's been a rough week here, and I've been coping the only way I know how: Stress eating. (Bad.) And spending time in the studio. (Good.) And listening to a lot of Poirot audiobooks read by David Suchet while I work. Because he's the best. (Also good.)

Mint chocolate chip milkshakes aside (because for some reason I only crave ice cream when the weather gets cold), there are plenty of challenges to sort out with the current linocut in progress. I've picked a subject matter that is familiar (yes, of course there's water and a bird in it), but both the bird species and the expression of the water are new to me. Luckily I'm not worrying too much about the bird just yet. But oh, this water! It's giving me palpitations.

Step 3 wasn't too bad. Not a lot of carving, and a basic blue to print. No biggie.

Reduction linocut in progress: Step 3 rollup

See? It did create an interesting (and not unexpected) additional color where it overlapped some of the previously masked areas. Not much to help identify what's going on yet, though.

Step 3, printed

But now the complex carving part begins. The water here is pooling and overlapping in all sorts of directions, creating some fun patterns, but making it a challenge to decide what to carve and how to simplify. (Simplify, she says! Ha.)

Step 4, carving

Unfortunately there's no photo of the Step 4 rollup.... it was a medium gray-blue that took a few tries to mix, and I'm still not sure I got it right. But here's the result of the print pass:

Step 4, printed

See what I mean? That's some complicated water going on, that is. But, hey! You can see our avian hero now. Sort of.  A shadow of its self-to-be. 

For now it's back to more complex carving. Wish me luck... 

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Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...