Saturday, May 7, 2011

Print Day in May

Today was the day! International Print Day in May! I don't remember where I first heard about it, but here's the short and sweet from their blog:

"Print Day in May started in 2007 at the Monterey Peninsula College (MPC), Monterey, California. The MPC Fine Art Print Club created it to encourage printmakers everywhere to create prints on the same day... an all-inclusive printmaking effort!"

I only had half of the day to devote to printing, but I figured even a little solidarity would be better than none. I carved and printed a small single-color block... an illustration for a local poetry journal.

It's been some time since I last did a single-color image. I found it more challenging than I expected to carve this little scene of S Mountain and the Arkansas River at the edge of Salida. I'm reasonably pleased with the result, and happy to report that Elvis's new cabinet perch worked a treat.


  1. ooh looks good :) really nice lines and shapes :)

  2. Oy! You created that in just half a day!!!?

    (I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! I'm not...)

    And, yes, a little solidarity is far better than none. (And, btw, what's the "local poetry journal"? Y'gotta name names.)

  3. You and Elvis work together brilliantly!

  4. Looks good.
    I resorted to running some old plates 'cos other stuff got in the way of cutting new plates on the day.But I was with everyone "in spirit."

  5. Great! I love the lino cut all by itself...all inked up...?frame it?

    I am not a print maker, I work in clay and copper, so the sculptural quality of the plate fascinates me.

  6. Eduardo... journal probably not right word. River City Nomads are putting out a sort of chapbook of poetry.

    I'm glad you all like the image... I think I'd like to do it again with some color... but it was fun to do in B&W, it had been a while. Susan.. I like the sculptural quality of the blocks, too... still trying to make up my mind about a good way to "repurpose" them as art pieces by themselves. (Framing is one obvious way.)

    Dinah... running old plates again works for me! Solidarity!


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