Sunday, May 15, 2011

Exhibition Miscellany

I finally made it the two blocks to the Salida Regional Library to check out the show "Haiku: The Essence." It really is a lovely exhibition, especially since it has introduced me to some local folks whose work I had never seen before. Here's a little shot of my piece alongside its inspiration, a "haiku of haiku" by Eduardo Rey Brummel titled "Ever So A Round."

Warp-speed preparations are also being made for the opening of my solo exhibition, "Intimate Landscapes," in Denver. The last few pieces are at the framer now, postcards have gone out, and the first round of emails... but there's still a lot to do.

If you're in Denver on June 5, I'd love to see you at the opening reception at the Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado Headquarters, Dos Chappell Bathhouse, 600 S. Marion Parkway, in Washington Park. 4-8pm. Music by none other than David Tipton, aka the Darling Man.

"Intimate Landscapes" will be on view through July 27, so if you can't make the reception you'll still have time to check things out. This will be my first exhibition in Denver in almost 10 years, and I'm looking forward to it!

And on a completely different note...

It's been cold and gray and windy around here today (sigh), and my woodcut attempt was unsuccessful, but the day hasn't been without its perks. Look who's been visiting our yard! (This shot made through the dining room window...)

Western tanager. Ain't he the bees' knees?


  1. Ooh!Now I know what to wear with my canary yellow shirt! Thanks, Tanager. (off to Google more info)

    Almost forgot to say the print looks lovely framed.

  2. Gorgeous I have never seen a bird like that! In my backyard I have cockatoos, galahs and Eastern Rosellas!!

  3. He's darling. And he obviously finds you fascinating!

  4. Good luck with the exhibition, Sherrie. I haven't been very good at commenting lately but all your new work is gorgeous and I love that poster for Intimate Landscapes.

    What a wonderful bird!! All your recent bird photos are a treat.

  5. congratulations on your exhibition in denver...i only wish i lived closer for i'd love to see your work close-up. also wish i could spot such a lovely bird in my back yard! mostly i see crows.

  6. In your last post you wrote about going out into nature. It gave me a chuckle to think you took this photo from your dining room window. He is a beauty!

  7. Sherrie,
    Those spectacular Tanagers get around. I just saw a male in the elderberry tree outside my office window.

    Good luck and good sales with your shows! Your work is beautiful and deserves the widest possible audience.

  8. Dinah! I can just picture you in tanager-inspired attire! (No, wait, now I am imagining you with a yellow shirt, black-and-white pants, and bright red hair!)

    Thanks for the exhibition cheer, Betsy, Robyn, and Patrick... suddenly I'm thinking how fun it would be to have an exhibition of work by the Virtual Support Team... a show which, of COURSE, would have to travel to Italy, Portland, Australia, the US....

    We're enjoying a nice wave of tanagers AND grosbeaks and orioles just now...the trees are barely leafed out, but there's color everywhere!


Opening this weekend! SAGA 89th Annual Members Exhibition

In the Shallows reduction linocut © Sherrie York 12" x 12" - Edition of 20 If you are in New York City this weekend, why not head ...