Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Catching up and moving forward

My replacement veiner turned up this weekend, so I was frantically back to work yesterday. Sixty little linocuts were pulled by 9:30 this morning... whoopee! I'm hoping they'll be dry and ready to post to the Tiny Linos page by Thursday or Friday.

Once I had a new tool in hand, it became obvious that the disaster of my sharpening attempts last week was not entirely my fault. I've been using this same tool for probably ten years... it's my most reached-for workhorse. Holding it up to the same tool by the same manufacturer revealed the fact that it's a solid 3/8" SHORTER than the new tool, and sports a significantly less deep channel.

I've worn it down!

So.. with a nice, sharp model of what it's SUPPOSED to look like, it's possible that the original can be resurrected. In the meantime, the replacement works just fine. It doesn't quite have that "sweet spot" that develops in response to the way I work... but it'll get there.

And a quick word about Colorado Art Ranch this past weekend: Fabulous.

As always, the CAR Artposium brought together a fine group of presenters, who entertained, inspired, and unsettled us. Check out some of these folks:

Libby Rowe: an artist who may challenge you with her ongoing project: "Pink," about what it means to be feminine.
Bill Amundson: artist, humorist who engages the tragi-comic world of suburbia.
Brady Udall: award-winning writer ("Miracle Life of Edgar Mint" and others), reading from his new novel, "The Lonely Polygamist."
Roz Chast: cartoonist for The New Yorker, and more.
Marj Hahne: poet laureate and all-around brilliant human being.

And that's just the beginning. Ask me if I slept Saturday night after all that creative overload. (Answer is no. That should be obvious.)

And of course, the DM wowed the troops with some spectacular tunes on the Stick. Unfortunately it was an enormous dark space (good for sound, not so good for light), so no good pics of the man at work. (I tweaked mightily in Photoshop for this one.) I tried taking little videos, too... but no real luck. (sigh) One of these days.

So.... my schedule this week still appears to be gloriously flexible in a way it hasn't been for MONTHS. I anticipate more linos, some writing, some THINKING, some pre-winter garden tending. We had our first hard frost in town last night... everyone ran around stripping their tomato plants of the last fruits. Too bad, really... one of my plants was actually still producing flowers.

Off to take advantage of it all......


  1. Glad you have a working tool in hand again. The new linos look wonderful. I like them all. I may have to think about getting some more!

  2. Well, thanks Susan! I'm definitely having fun working on them, and that in itself makes it all worth the effort.


Linocut in Progress: Finishing up the dipper

 It can't be avoided anymore. It's time to address the details of this bird.  As many have figured out from the bird's silhouett...