Friday, December 11, 2009

Proof of incomplete slackerdom

Okay... I can see that I need to get home and get back to work so I have linos to post here. My Googlejuice is suffering mightily!

As forecast, it IS raining... so yesterday I went to the Seymour Center to draw fish and anemones in tanks. I got to stick my fingers in with the anemones... they liked me, they really liked me! That is, if one can judge one's anemononal social status on how firmly they cling to one's appendages.

As proof that I have not been the complete slacker my recent travelogue would suggest I offer some sketches...

Blue rockfish and leopard shark, Seymour Discovery Center at Long Marine Lab

Tube anemones, ditto location

Giant green anemone, Natural Bridges State Beach

View of coast redwoods out the back door, Soquel.

Sorry you don't have the entire details page, too... I don't have much with me in the way of photo editing software, so I didn't mess around with shooting both sides and blah blah blah.

Two days left until departure. We made a hotel reservation for Monday night, so I guess it's official: We're going home soon. Mixed feelings all around.


  1. I have SO enjoyed your travelogue. You are quite the inspiration! Thank you so much for all that you share. Have a safe trip home.

  2. oh man, if you did an underfoot-underwater series... well, that would just be lovely.

  3. Your idea of slacking off is my idea of a month of extraordinary creative output! Such beautiful drawings, Sherrie - the forest is awesome and the marine life, beautiful.

  4. I'm thrilled! With my new MacBook Pro I can log onto your blog without it freezing up. What marvelous adventures you are having in CA. I do love that ocean drive - haven't been there in many moons but would love to make another trip.

    I look forward to seeing some new linocuts from your CA stay. Perhaps there are more turtles coming ??????

    I checked out the Salida weather - brrrrrrr - cold! It has also been cold (relatively speaking of course) here in the desert. Near or below freezing every night with highs in the 50's.


  5. Sherry, you are killing me with your sketches. Love the leopard shark and the color sketch of the tidepool is gorgeous! Obviously your slackertude is actually filling your artistic reservoir. Safe trips home!

    (Might we look forward to some marine-themed linocuts?)

  6. Absolutely love the sketch of the tube anemones. I see the upper drawing as a beautiful surreal protrait.

  7. Gosh, hi everyone! Sorry I didn't get to your comments before now... I forgot I had turned on comment moderation (had some unpleasant comment spam while we were away) and for some reason didn't get notices.


    Thanks for the cheers for the sketches. I never get as much done as I would like, but thanks for pointing out that what I DID get done is useful and valuable.

    And, yes... I think tide pools qualify as something underfoot, don't you? I've got some sketches and reference photos that I think could be nice linos.. Hooray!

    (Lindy, welcome back!)


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...