Thursday, January 19, 2012

And a little bit more...

There are plenty of days, or even moments throughout days, when I question my efforts as a printmaker. Maybe I should be pursuing some other career...

But then I put a blended roll of blue and green inks on a block and doubt just melts away. Seriously. Would someone who wasn't a printmaker feel a chill up their spine when confronted with this? I kinda doubt it.


  1. Is there any artist out there that doesn't have the occasional period of doubting his or her career choice? I doubt it.

    I love watching your prints come to life from the reduction process, and it's easy to see why that keeps you going: this latest print is amazing.

  2. For you this time it was the graded colour roll, for me it might be taking a small area of stone away and the whole piece transforms. I'm constantly amazed by some of the smallest actions ending up having the biggest impact! But then they wouldn't if you hadn't done all the hard work before. I can see why you got chills with this one.

  3. When I have doubts (many, and often!) I look back at some of the struggles you're brave enough to blog about.

  4. I'm finding your blog such an interesting discovery, thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow that does send a chill down the spine. It is beautiful and you have inspired me to add colour to my prints.

  6. Plenty of chills down my spine when I saw your beautiful blend roll!!

  7. I am just so darn happy working on a reduction linocut everyday...carving, inking, printing...It is so satisfying and full of those moments of joy. I love that you share your joyful moments with us! xxoo

  8. i think its normal for artists to doubt themselves :/ i do it all the time lol

    love seeing how the image on the print emerges :)

  9. Yep, it's a happy thing to work on something you enjoy... it certainly can banish doubtful moments.

    Of course I worked on it some more today and things didn't go quite as planned. I'm trying to think of it as an opportunity to learn a new skill. ;-) More when I get it sorted out.

    Thanks for the solidarity, everyone! And welcome to "new" readers/commenters! Thanks for taking the time to read Brush and Baren.


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...