Sunday, April 28, 2013

Someone else's river

(Phone blogging. It's an experience.)

I'm here! I arrived in Wausau last night and slept like a log in the Museum guest house. Directly across the street a steamroller slumbers, too. We'll be introduced tomorrow.

In the meantime, I took advantage of the spectacular weather and went for a walk this morning along the Wisconsin River.

Back home "my" river, the Arkansas, still barely flows. Each time I visit it I search for signs that the level is rising and a respite from our long drought is at hand. So far I've been disappointed.

Finding the Wisconsin River gently (so far) escaping its banks was a surprise and delight, but even more surprising was my guilty feeling. Admiring the excesses of another river seemed disloyal, somehow.

Discovery trumps guilt, though. Bird species both familiar and unfamiliar are all around, and it's fun to chase down an unknown singer.

I'm glad I took some time to explore, since tomorrow things start rockin' and (steam)rollerin'!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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