Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Of COURSE there's another lino in progress

A little osprey test print
Hard to believe it's been a week already since I finished what has come to be titled "Treasured Path." It's one of those strange cases where it feels like only yesterday and ages ago.

Immediately following clean-up I was obliged to turn my attention to some contract work and other tasks that had been neglected during the several-day marathon that was the completion of "Treasured Path." But never fear! Linos are still happening.

Yesterday (Was it yesterday? Maybe it was the day before.) I spent some time futzing around with a little black-and-white piece I carved as a demo back in December. I recently purchased some Canson Editions paper and wanted to give it a try, along with having another go at printing on Arches 140# cold press watercolor paper.

It quickly became clear in both instances that I achieved better results on damp paper, at which time it became even more clear that if I am going to make damp paper a habit I need a better system. But eventually I pulled some nice prints and learned a few things, so the day was deemed a success.

I also re-callibrated Presston in anticipation of this:

Uh huh. It's what you think it is. Large and complicated.
That's an 18" x 18" piece of lino, ladies and gents. With lots of squiggly lines on it. I have big hopes for this piece... and big nervousness, too. I'll be heading places I've not been before.

But printing won't start for a few days because I have to borrow some equipment, namely a large roller. I intend to cover this block with not one, but two, 18" wide blended (or rainbow) rolls. The widest blended roll I've ever done is a scant 8," because that's the widest brayer I own. (Well, I do have a REALLY large roller, but it needs repair and I haven't used it.)

Luckily the awesome printmaker Jean Gumpper (Go look at her work. Right. Now.) has agreed to loan me one of her large rollers... so...oooh! Things are going to get exciting (and somewhat scary) around here towards the end of next week.


  1. 18" by 18", looks at ruler... you are insane ;) good luck with it tho!! :D no really, looking forward to seeing it printed :)

  2. The Osprey is wonderful. I'm looking forward to seeing the 18 x18 develop


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...