Wednesday, May 20, 2015

(Pr)in(t)spiration Day: Marthe Armitage

I'm in the final countdown for departure to the coast of Maine, which means that there will be pitifully few print-related posts while I get myself 2000 miles east and settled in to a routine. The next few weeks won't allow much time for image-making, but I do plan to share sketches and photos as I can.

In the meantime.... my friend Merry Cox, a fantastic found object sculptor, sent me a link to this charming video of Marthe Armitage, a British designer of wallpaper and fabrics. Ms. Armitage hand- carves and hand- prints wallpaper to order.... from lino blocks! It's mind-boggling, really.

There's a great article with lots of photos at The Bible of British Taste, too.


  1. So interesting! I love her printing machine - it's very clever. Kind of a cross between a straightforward relief press and a litho press. Cool!
    What beautiful papers they produce though. And Marthe is right - her work is very important.

  2. that is amazing work, thanks for sharing :)

  3. Yes, loved it... was sent to me by Uppercase Magazine.. she is so amazing indeed, would be a great trip to visit her + her daughter!!!
    Safe travels to ME.

  4. I think the press is a letterpress proof press. I have a similar thing in storage here (no place to set it up to use it, and it needs work).

    Would be a fun field trip, wouldn't it? I have dreams of doing a UK "tour of printmakers" some day, I know several really great print artists in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, England....

  5. Wow...makes me want to go out to the studio and create! Thanks for sharing!


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...