Thursday, June 11, 2015

View from the Coast #2 : Finding a rhythm and some free time

We just said goodnight to our second group of camp guests and in the morning will see them back to the mainland and on their way. This week I finally found a rhythm that wasn't a constant dead run and the weather improved from ridiculously cold and damp to warm and sunny. My long underwear, which I was obliged to wear all last week, has gone back in the drawer where it should be in early June.

Life here on the island seems very far removed from the usual routines of Colorado and home, but once in a while I get little reminders of that reality. The reminders this week were all good ones! In addition to winning an award at the Colorado Governor's Invitational Show, all of the pelican linocuts that I made available to the exhibition have been sold! A great and happy surprise.

Still no chance to do any sketching (maybe this week?), but I did sneak out for a little rowboat adventure the other afternoon. Mostly I'm a klutz with the oars, but I did avoid being pulled out to sea with the wind and tide, so I guess that's something. I did best when I was just hanging out in the boat tied to the dock.

My stint here as Program Manager for Hog Island Audubon Camp is already half over, hard to believe as that is. At the end of the month I'll leave for two weeks and then be back in a different role as an instructor. It's been really great to get to know this place and this program from another perspective, and I'm looking forward to seeing what other discoveries await.


  1. Its good to read things are going well. Scary, though, to think of you in a rowboat going out to sea. Stay safe!

  2. looks gorgeous!

    Glad things are going well :) hope you find the time to sketch :D

  3. Went to the show tonight to see your fabulous work! Congrats on the Pelican award ... someday we will meet!!!

  4. Rowboat update: Last night I rowed myself the 1/4 mile from the island to the mainland without mishap. :-)

    It appears sketching won't happen until July, Jen, but maybe....

    Moose! Glad you saw the show. I will have to come up to collect anything unsold in September, so maybe we could meet then!


Linocut in Progress: Wait. Did I really finish in fewer than 10 steps?

Carrying on with the snowy linocut in progress. I do feel like I'm tempting fate just a tiny bit by imagining fresh snowfall, but here ...