Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Getting down to (art) business in the new year

We interrupt our regularly-scheduled linocut adventure to bring you the following announcement from Alyson Stanfield, the Art Biz Coach.

It was Alyson who first encouraged me to start blogging, and it's been a great experience for me, both personally and professionally. She's full of great, practical ideas for artists who are struggling to be business people, and she always shares them with a smile.

This week she's offering a FREE "must-have-checklist" for your art business. (And a 3-part video series.) She'll ask for your email address, and I encourage you to sign up for her weekly email message. I confess that I don't read ALL of them all the way through, but even after 9 years I still find useful nuggets and encouragement when the going gets tough.

And, yes...  we really will be back to linos tomorrow!

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