Friday, December 27, 2019

Rainy Days and New Years, or, Let's Go 2020!

Studio window view on a rainy December day

One of the things about life in Maine that still puzzles me is the persistence of rain through the winter months. Back home in the Rockies winter precipitation came in the form of snow... maayybe sleet once in a while, but not rain. Rain was for summer afternoons, if we were lucky.

But here I am on a Friday afternoon at the end of December, watching the rain come down, and it's definitely NOT summer. I've got a fire going in the wood stove, a cup of tea at hand... and the 2020 calendar laid out in front of me. Holy cow, it's already getting full!

2019 has been a year full of making connections and finding my way in a community that is still new to me. I'm thankful for the support and camaraderie of collectors, students, colleagues, and friends across the United States and across the pond, and I hope I'll have the opportunity to spend time with all of you in the new year ahead... at exhibitions, workshops... or the local coffee shop.

My last completed linocut of 2019 was a pair of shirts for my grand-nephews, who will both turn two years old in March. "Let's Go!" seemed to be an appropriate theme for the lives of busy toddlers, but as I carved the lettering I thought perhaps it was also a good attitude to be embraced by their grand-auntie. I didn't make myself a shirt (yet)... but I've already got a photo of one of the little goobers wearing his... and I'm keeping it nearby to inspire me in the year ahead.

2020? Let's Go!


  1. its like here, lots of rain nd fog but not much snow but on the mountains:)

    1. Yep, plenty of snow further inland, so that's okay with me!

  2. I love the "Let's Go!" The words are perfect good attitude inspiring.
    As for rain...January.
    Happy Holidays!

    1. A good theme for the new year, I think! And fun to be inspired by a little guy in a shirt. It looks like we'll spend the last day of 2019 in rain and snow... but the sun will peek out for the New Year! Perfect. Happy New Year to you!

  3. Happy New Year, Sherrie! I look forward, as always, to your next prints.

    1. And Happy New Year to you, Wendy! Wow. It seems like we've been virtual chums for a loonnnngggg time! One of these days we're gonna have to make it real. Until then... press on! :-)

  4. It's raining here in summer in the southwest of Western Australia while the rest of the country battles with heat & fire. I really appreciate watching your progress and hearing about the challenges you come upon and how you master them. Thank you

    1. Yes, Elke, the fires in Australia are horrible and I'm so sorry that your country is suffering so much. Thanks for taking the time to say hello; I'm glad to know you find some value in my process posts!


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...