Sunday, February 4, 2007

Closet Archaeology

The one good thing about moving is that some things that were lost are found.

A few weeks ago I mentioned bighorn sheep Red 42, the former Grande Dame of Cottonwood Canyon. The first year I helped with the sheep project I made a little sketch of her, but the sketchbook in which that entry was recorded disappeared when my bag was stolen in Denver later that season.

Sometimes I use copies of sketchbook pages as stationery for letter writing. I was fairly certain Red 42 had gone on such a journey, but any extra copies I might have made were lost to time and a capricious filing system.

She turned up this week in a folder, in a box, in the closet, under another box, below stored artwork waiting for an exhibition opportunity. Not the original, just a copy.. but it was nice to see her again and to read my notes about her.

I'm mostly settled in my new space. The success in recovering the sketch of Red 42 makes me wish I had more time to sort through some of the other boxes in the closet, but any lost treasures they hold will have to wait, since I seem to have created some new artifacts with
this move! Some things I could locate only last week have vanished into as-yet-undiscovered locations. Whether anything crucial has gone AWOL will likely be revealed as I settle back into a work rhythm in the next few days. In the meantime, has anyone seen where I put my car keys?

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