Friday, February 23, 2007

Okay, bad me. No blog entry for more than a week. I have a hundred excuses-- deadlines, commitments, and a head cold being chief among them. Lest you think I've completely disappeared into oblivion... here's proof that I HAVE been working. 28 unfinished linocuts drying on the rack and waiting for the next color pass. It smells like ink in here. Really.

The painting table's been busy, too... working on illustrations for the new catalog for Blake Nursery in Big Timber, Montana. Native plants. Nice people. Border collies. What more could you ask for?

And of course, there's the spanky new iMac sparkling in the corner, with several interp sign jobs cluttering up the monitor. Mere minutes from completion they are, but for a couple of missing photo files. And there's a newsletter for Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory in progress, too.

It's multi-tasking at its best. Or at its worst.

So, while you're waiting for something readable to turn up here, check out recent posts by Bill Schmoker and Susan Tweit... and then follow their recommendations for other posts and then.... Oh, wait. That's multi-slacking. Not multi-tasking.

P.S. In case you haven't also visited A Snail's Eye View, please wander on over for a taste of not-even-close-to-winter in Melbourne, Australia. Bugs, film, travel, books... and neighbors who might be as bad as mine, although I'm not sure yet.


  1. That's quite a rack of prints! Good job for getting that much done. Get well!


  2. Multitasking makes me feel as if I'm being terribly productive without actually achieving anything. Of course, this delusion falls apart after a while ...

    (P.S. The neighbours have settled down again!)


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...