Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Summer Crazies, Part II

It's Art Walkin' Time!

This Friday, Saturday and Sunday in downtown Salida.

I'll be showing handmade books and linocuts at the Book Haven, along with friends and colleagues Roberta Smith and Lisa DeYoung. On Saturday from 4-8pm I'll be on hand at the Book Haven talking to folks about print- and book-making. Come on by and say hi if you're in the neighborhood.

David the DM will be playing Chapman Stick on Friday at Apogee Studio (5-8), Saturday at the Book Haven (12-2) and Saturday evening at Krivanek Jewelers (5-8). Of course he'll have the new CD, Residue, on hand, too!


  1. Our local Arts Festival is imminent so I'll be off-blog for a while, finishing some prints, etc.
    Your festivities seem like small-town fun, which beats big cities into a cocked hat. Pity about the burglaries though.

  2. Hi Sherrie, I found your blog through Alyson Stanfield's blast off class as I was looking for other artists in Colorado (I'm in Aurora). I just want to say I love your linocuts! I'm a ceramic artist, but printmaking is my other love... I just haven't found the time to do both any more.

    I hope the art walk goes well :)

  3. Hi, Erin! Thanks for getting in touch (my brain is still reeling, is yours?).. it was great to get a look at your site, your work looks wonderful! I get to Denver every once in a while, let's stay in contact and try to get together for coffee.

    Idle- Happy Art Festival of your own. We're happy ours is over, but it was a great time.


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...