Thursday, March 11, 2010

If it's Thursday I must be...

Near as I can tell, it's Thursday morning, although the way my fingers are stumbling across the keyboard I'd be more inclined to think it Monday... or perhaps Friday night after a too-long Happy Hour. But the Darling Man is taking our household detritus to the curb, so yes, it must be Thursday.

Yesterday I installed my portion of the upcoming Colorado Art Ranch 33 Ideas show at Denver International Airport. Pretty darned exciting, I'd have to say. Unfortunately the entire exhibit won't be finished for a few more days, so what I have to show you are the "mostly done" bits of my case, and nothing more. It's going to be a fun and eclectic collection, though. You really must see it if you're coming to or through DIA any time between now and mid-June.

Filling "my" cabinet from the back. ("Hmmm.... should this go here, or here... or maybe not at all.")

You can see here that the exhibit will line both sides of the pedestrian bridge from the main terminal to Concourse A. The area is NOT inside security, so anyone can check it out, even if you aren't bound for that particular concourse. "Witness" is second or third case in from the terminal on the right hand (east, or Concourse-bound) side.

"I think the right corner still needs to come down. Again. More.
No, too much. Back. Nope. Too much again, more...."

Like all major projects, this one required a peanut gallery multiple supervisors. DIA Art Program Assistant Jaquelyn helps direct traffic, patient and capable Bruce makes it all work, and the DM? He was there for moral support, of course.

Now that wasn't so bad, eh? Journals and paintbox, plant bits and papers. It was quite fun to see that folks were stopping even before the case was entirely together.

Yet to come are a band across the top of the case with the name of the show, and I think the name of the Art Ranch town we are part of, and across the bottom of the case "one word" to describe our idea. (In my case, "Witness.") Of course our names and contact info will be on the case somewhere, too... it's all good!

The list of other artists displaying work is long and wonderful, and includes several Salidans. I'll try to get a final list to post when all is said and done, but in the meantime, here are a few folks I know are part of the exhibit and links to their work to fire up your enthusiasm for "33 Ideas."

Richard Cabe (Sculptor)
Susan Tweit (Writer)
Michael Mowry (Photographer extraordnaire)
Roberta Smith (Mixed media maven)
Cathi Schwalbe-Bouzide (She does everything. Period.)
Rosemerry Trommer (Poet)
David Tipton (Musician)

The nice thing about having the installation finished is that I can now turn my attention to other piles in the studio. Tomorrow I head down to the Monte Vista Crane Festival to get ready for my Saturday morning workshop, so this morning I'll be sorting through that particular mound and loading it in to the car. Whew! Tomorrow morning two boxes of exhibition-bound work go to the post office... by Monday I ought to be able to see my drawing table again! Yippee!


  1. I might be going through DIA early summer; hope to be able to see it.

    I haven't seen my table surface in my studio since the day it was brought in, sadly.

  2. Woohoo! I can attest that "Witness" looked even cooler "in person," having sneaked a few looks at it today while we were installing our case. And David's music sounded very cool in the overhead speakers, as did the prairie soundscape that he mixed for us. (Thank you, master sound producer!) Our "Terraphilia" is across the way and down about six cases, on the west side of the walkway. This is one great-looking show so far.... We're glad to be in your company. And glad to be home again....

  3. What a great show. I'm very proud to be friends with these 33 artists.

    The show will be up until the middle of June. C'mon by.

  4. This is incredibly cool -- congratulations Sherrie, and to all involved. Great photos! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really want to get out to DIA!

  5. Now THERE's the ultimate show kudos... to make someone WANT to go to the airport. Thanks, Jeff. And thanks to Colorado Art Ranch and the DIA Art Program staff for their hard work. Trying to organize displays for 33 different artists from across the country is a feat of cat-herding prowess.


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

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