Friday, October 15, 2010

100 Thumbnails update: mid-October

Today is a big day, for several reasons. First of all, it's our "meetiversary"! Three years ago today (is it really only three?) the Darling Man and I crossed paths for the first time. The second time we met he brushed me off, and no, I'm never going to let him forget it.

It's also mid-October... more or less. We get thirty-one days this month, so finding the median point isn't quite as easy as divide-by-two, but SHEESH... am I THAT... erm... fussy?*

(*Repeat after me: Printmakers are a tad obsessive-compulsive. Just go with it.)

ANYWAY... in the world of the 100-thumbnails-a-month challenge October 15th means I should have 50 sketches done, and I'm pleased to report that I have 55. Presented for your perusal, sketches 46-55, created during some of the most stellar autumn afternoons I can remember... from a perch just across the Arkansas River from town. Hopefully the Blogger embiggen feature is working again and you can click to see the pages at actual size.

I finished another milestone today, too, but it's a longer and more sordid tale, so I'll save it for another post.


  1. Congrats on the meetiversary! You are a hoot. I have shared your site with a dear nephew who wants to keep creativity in his life while going to school for criminal justice and ROTC. Don't you love it? I encouraged him to do thumbnails just like Sherrie York!

  2. i really like the fourth second thumbnail on the right in the first photo and third thumbnail on the left in the second photo :)

  3. Hey, Cathi... bring 'em on! Must. Do. More. Thumbnails. Maybe not JUST like me.... ;-)

    Thanks, Jennifer... I think that bottom left second page one is my favorite, too. Although I like the one above it, also.

  4. I'm showcasing your and Val Littlewood's blog in my Natural History Illustration course tomorrow. Just so's ya know!


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...