Saturday, January 29, 2011

More linocut progress

I'm feeling a little wishy-washy about this image. Could be that I'm just feeling wishy-washy in general...

Color 4, gray-brown.

Color 5, green.

I think there's a second green and then a dark to go, for a total of a mere 7 colors. When was the last time you saw me do THAT?

There's finally some snow in the forecast for Monday/Tuesday this week. Too bad those are the days I need to go the 100 miles to Colorado Springs to shift exhibitions around. (sigh) Figures. I had hoped to get this piece finished before then, but it looks like the ink won't be dry enough tomorrow for the next pass. Maybe I'll get some thumbnails squeezed in instead!


  1. There's no need to feel wishy washy at all! The print looks great.

  2. Mid print nervousness, that's all it is Sherrie, honestly.

    I'll be on colour 2 on my 1st snowy print tomorrow and a bit nervous that colour No.1 is already a bit dark but you'll know only too well how deceptive it that 1st colour is and how it 'fades' when the 2nd colour goes on.

    Can't wait to get on with it in the morning :)


  3. I think it is lovely! I really like the slope of the hillside with the shadows. It's gonna be another quiet winter beauty!

  4. Your work is very beautiful. I love all your subjects and the delicate treatment you give them.

  5. Hi Sherrie,

    I discovered your work on Alison Stanfield's newsletter and really love it. How fun to discover you are right over in Salida, I'm in Ridgway myself. Thanks for the great inspiration in your work, and I'll look forward to seeing more!

    Kellie Day

  6. Hi,
    I too discovered you in Alison Stanfield's newsletter.
    and I must say, I love your work. I did some linocuts many moons ago in art school and would love to get back into it - thanks for the inspiration.

    Jane E. Ward

  7. Hi, just found your blog and have been checkin out your prints. You do really nice work, keep it up!


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...