Friday, February 4, 2011

Um... what just happened?

I am (somewhat uncharacteristically) at a loss for words. Or at least I'm unable to succinctly describe the last week. It's been quite the ride.

A warm weekend sketch from the F Street Bridge. 
65 degrees on Saturday! 75 degrees colder on Monday.
Someone must have finally figured out that we were getting more than our share of good weather. Things cooled off considerably on Sunday, and by Monday (when we were headed to Colorado Springs to shuffle around exhibitions) it was downright cold. And snowy. And windy. Sub-zero temps before windchill. Tuesday's drive home via the canyon was a slow one.

But we arrived without mishap, which is more than I can say for a friend who was traveling from Denver to Salida at about the same time. He was swiped by a hit-and-run semi-truck near Kenosha Pass. I'm happy to say he's fine, but his vehicle? Not so much.

It felt good to be home.

Wednesday morning, however, things went really crazy. Art Biz Coach Alyson Stanfield featured the story of the "Art Underfoot" video in her weekly e-newsletter and I was suddenly, fabulously, overwhelmed with kind and supportive and wonderful messages from many directions. Thanks Alyson, and thanks to everyone who took the time to comment here or send me an email. I'm trying to catch up with you all individually, but it's a long list!

Of course, it didn't stop there. The story was picked up by Katherine Tyrell at Art of the Landscape and Making a Mark. If you don't know Katherine's blogs I encourage you to check them out. She does an amazing job of keeping up with what's going on with art in the UK and beyond and she facilitates all sorts of connections between artists and art enthusiasts. Katherine's post was subsequently picked up at The #printmaking Daily.

New reader Robin, of Miss Robin's Art Class did a lovely feature about my work and the video got a shout in the Colorado Art Ranch newsletter. Oh. My.

By yesterday it was crunch time for a client project, though, and I ended up spending 10 straight hours chained to the drawing table. Ooph. Not my favorite way to work. Since I am easily distracted by clutter I usually try to keep things tidy, but by mid-day it looked as though someone had dumped the paper recycling bin across all three tables in here.

Wait. Is that paint on the table? What's up with that?

But now it's Friday night, and although one doesn't usually equate Fridays with a fresh start it is also the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit. A new rabbit hasn't hopped to my print jig recently so I'll have to share an older one with you. I think the lead character in this image has something to say about my present state of mind.

I'm back to that snowy linocut this weekend. Hurrah! (As soon as I clear off my workspace.)


  1. Wow! That road looks scary! We hang out in Southern Florida until the "scary" weather is over in Ky. I'm glad your friend is ok.

  2. Love the bunny!!!
    Congrats on the attention too - well deserved!

  3. Congratulations on all the great exposure, Sherrie! I saw the mention in Making a Mark, in fact. Your work is some of the finest out there, so it's great that more people get to see it though internet sharing.

    And, weird weather is right! I can't believe it got to 65 degrees, though - those are desert temps. Glad your friend is okay...driving during such road conditions scares me.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! All the attention you are getting is well deserved and hope it brings some sales down the road too. I haven't done any linocuts since grade school so I find your process fascinating and love the results you get! Lots of patience needed here. I'll be checking in again and hope you will stop by my blog and say hello once in a while too!

  5. You're as famous as a rock star!!! You're the Mick Jagger of the linocut world! Well, you're on your way anyway. I'm going to get you a sparkly scarf and some really big sunglasses then you'll be a rock star.
    Keep up the excellent work!

  6. Sherrie: I'd use Jill's comment if I were you. Maybe on your About page: "The Mick Jagger of the Linocut World." It could work.

  7. Oh. My. May I please be someone other than Mick Jagger? I don't know who. But I WILL don the sparkly scarf and sunglasses. Precisely my style, thank you Jill!

    I wholeheartedly agree with everyone's assessment of winter roads. Whilst we are generally mild here in the "banana belt of the Rockies," getting in and out of this valley can be a dicey proposition from September to June. In my misspent youth I drove everywhere without a second thought. These days I generally require a three-day window of perfect calm to even think about wandering away from home.

  8. YAY! Congratulations Sherrie! Fantastic! Reading through the comments and I had a vision of you with lino tools in one hand doing the Mick strut with a fabulous pout. So tell me whats next? A little red rooster, wild horses or will you paint it black? Can't wait to see ;o)


Opening this weekend! SAGA 89th Annual Members Exhibition

In the Shallows reduction linocut © Sherrie York 12" x 12" - Edition of 20 If you are in New York City this weekend, why not head ...