Saturday, November 12, 2011

Starting another print

There's nothing that makes this printmaker happier than a drying rack full of prints, so of course that means starting another linocut!

Goals here are multiple: 1) get one more piece done for the upcoming December show, 2) do a "simpler" (read: fewer color passes) image and 3) push that border-breaking idea a bit.

It's funny... I use a broken border frequently in sketchbook drawings and journal entries and graphic design, so why did I never explore it in printmaking? It's not a particularly innovative idea, but I'm hoping it will at least be interesting for this piece.

First color– yellow. Gee. I wonder what it might be? (Not.)

Second color– green. I'm trying to be more patient this time and not load up too many colors too quickly. Believe it or not, I'm trying to keep this one to 6 or 7 passes. Uh huh.

I'm also trying out a different paper this time around, Rives lightweight. I've used it before with Elvis, but not for hand-rubbing multicolor prints. So far I like it just fine. I'm also doing a half dozen on the old standby Hosho so that, all other things being equal with inking and timing and environment, I can make some comparisons.

Stay tuned!

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