Sunday, March 11, 2012

I lied. NOW it's finished.

Okay, okay. I didn't mean to lie, but I sat with "Pas de Ducks" for a couple of days and something about it just didn't feel right. Maybe it's because it was the most subtle piece I'd ever done and although I admire subtlety in the work of others, I can't seem to get comfortable with it in my own work. The main part of the reflection needed to be another shade darker.

"Pas de Ducks," reduction linocut on Awagami Kozo paper, 8" x 12"

I didn't do any more carving, this transparent dark green went right over the top of the previous color.  I'm still going to call it 22 colors. Pretend the next-to-last color never happened. It can be our little secret.


  1. Absolutely beautiful.
    And awesome with it.

  2. You get better and better, love it.

  3. This is stunning! But then I thought that at least for the last three stages as well...

  4. :-) Aw, shucks. I'm glad you all approve. (Really I am... it's what makes me want to try even harder on the next piece!)

    And welcome, Oona! It's nice to "meet" you. I love your plants in glasses drawings.

  5. Fantastic! I forgive you for lying. ;->

  6. as soon as i saw the title i burst out laughing ;p

  7. What a gorgeous print Sherrie. The patterns on the water give it more abstract feel than a lot of your others and I love the transition from the dark to light (or vise versa).


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...