Saturday, November 2, 2013

Linocut in progress: Hooray!

Back to work!

Three simultaneous moves are finally completed! I'm more or less settled for now, so took advantage of the first opportunity in weeks to spend all day in the studio. I caught up with a contract project that needed a small change, took care of some administrative tasks, and happily started work on a new linocut.

The first two colors made it to the page... a pale blue for some shadows and a pale tan for some background rocks. I haven't given a whole lot of thought to what happens next... I was just so anxious to be slinging ink that I dove right in. Now that I've started I can slow down and consider my path.

It's sunny and warm enough up here today that I've got the window wide open, but all that is supposed to change next week. Snow in the forecast for Monday into Tuesday. I'm ready to hunker down and get work done, so bring it on!


  1. so pleased for you that you can get back to printing! Looking forward to seeing this one develop.

  2. I am SO the opposite of you in terms of reduction process. But I AM trying to be more inspire me every time I print. Thanks for these posts, like today reminding me to be more spontaneous. xxoo

  3. Jane, Dinah, and Wendy... THANK you for your support and good cheer these last few months. You have no idea how helpful it was to know you were rooting for me... I appreciate you all!

  4. yay! another print :D
    glad you are back working on linocuts :)

    keep the snow, but send some sun here. the mountains have snow in the back, so probably snow here soon


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...