Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Innovation in Conservation Award Winner: Colorado Birding Trail

We interrupt our regularly-scheduled linocut adventures to bring you this fun bit of news from a couple of weeks ago.

Long-time readers are probably aware that from time to time I put down my carving tools and take on some design and illustration projects. Most of these projects involve my chief interests: natural history, wildlife, and conservation. At several points during the past few years I've been fortunate to contribute some illustration and design work to the development of the Colorado Birding Trail, which was recently honored for Innovation in Conservation at the Southern Colorado Conservation Awards.

The project's Fearless Leader, John Koshak, was unfortunately not able to join us at the awards ceremony, but to my great delight several of our team converged from points across the state, including longtime friends Scott and Erika Hutchings of Cry Baby Design, who are pictured here with me and the beautiful glass sculpture that was presented to the project.

The Colorado Birding Trail is a major nature tourism initiative to promote outdoor recreation, conservation of resources by private landowners, and a diversified income for rural economies. One of the most unique features of the trail is the private lands that have been opened to visitation only through their participation as sites on the trail.

It's a great project, and I am happy to have played a small part in bringing it to fruition. If you're a birder and you're headed to Colorado you should check out the website and get your hands on some of the free guidebooks.... and then hit the trail!

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