Here in the Heart of the Rockies we're still waiting for actual spring. Yesterday the DM and I attempted to attend the opening of the National Small Print Show in Creede, but were turned back a fourth of the way into the journey by snow and wind and fog. Sheesh.
Our friend Susan brought us tomato plants the day we moved into the house, protected in their pots by little red wall-o-waters. A few hours later her husband Richard showed up with a row cover and clothespins, announcing an overnight low forecast of 21 F. Double sheesh.
Since then we've been on a weather roller-coaster... each evening looking at each other and wondering if it's safe to leave our tender proto-garden exposed. We've covered it more often than not.
At this rate we'll be stuck with store-bought tomatoes until October.
I always laugh at the current popular tomato deception. You know the one: tomatoes sold "on the vine." Never mind that these are still industrial, hydroponic, never-see-a-speck-of-soil tomatoes. They're on a vine. They must be better.
In truth they are still hard and tasteless, BUT... we have discovered one advantage.
Yesterday the DM held up this piece of vine from our last disappointing tomato adventure and said, "Doesn't this look like something from a Tim Burton movie?"
Absolutely. And it looked darn fun to draw.
I guess tomatoes on a vine just makes it sound appealing.