Saturday, May 10, 2008

The end in sight

Sounds ominous.

Yes, it's 4:00am on Moving Day and I am awake. The DM and I have been madly shifting boxes and painting an upstairs room of the new house over the past few days. Today our Darling Friends (the DFs) will come to help with furniture and other ungainlies.

As usual, my studio is the last thing to be organized for the move.... mostly because it contains so much odd-shaped and non-boxable STUFF. Drawing boards and lino blocks and framed art that needs homes and crates and bins and sketchbooks and mailing tubes and more art and more frames and more glass. Horrible. It is not nearly as organized to go as I'd like.... but time is up and we're out of boxes.

The good news is that the DM and I decided that both of our studios (he's a musician) will be on the first floor of the new house. This a relief because it means we do NOT have to haul awkward and heavy equipment upstairs, nor do we have to haul many of my (I am not kidding) 40+ boxes of BOOKS up there. In an effort to keep our DFs, we shifted all of those already ourselves. Photos to come.

So here's the house. Already I love views from upstairs windows. Expect sketches once I find my pencils again.

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