Monday, December 12, 2011

Delight by post

Some embiggification is possible with clicking.

For the last several days folks on the Barenforum listserv have been gleefully announcing the arrival of prints from the most recent exchange. Perhaps you remember this project... 101 prints just 3.2 x 3.5 inches in size, sent off to a brave coordinator to be collated and returned as a set of 100 unique images.

"Wonderful!" the other participants exclaimed. "Beautiful, fascinating..." and all other sorts of superlatives.

But my mailbox remained empty and all I could exclaim was, "But where are mine?" (Pout. Pout.)

Today, however, I finally joined the ranks of happy exchangers. The long-anticipated parcel arrived, and in it was a lovely custom-made box, crafted for each exchange participant by our intrepid coordinator, Gayle Wohlken. (Above and beyond the call of duty, methinks.)

Within the ribbon-tied box (which you can just make out in the upper corner of the table in the photo above) was the most delightful assortment of woodcuts... single-color to bazillion-color, printed on everything from the most delicate translucent sheets to glossy cardstock. Every single one is charming, and the variety is utterly inspiring. It was all I could do to keep from running straight out to the studio after I spread them all out on the dining table. (Actually, I apologize that there are a few not pictured here. I didn't realize until I was scooping them all up again that some had stuck together.)

A few of these prints I watched evolve on the blogs of my virtual printmaker-friends, and it's wonderful to pick up the real thing. From your hands to mine... thank you.

I am SO glad I decided to participate in this celebration of prints and printmaker camaraderie. I shall certainly do it again. Eventually. ;-)


  1. Soooo cool! They are like little paper jewels!

  2. Yes, a lovely box of delights.And they'll last so much longer than chocolates!

    Waves to Jill, above.I'm next to do a print for her little book.

  3. How wonderful to receive such creativity gifts in the mail!

  4. They look fantastic all arrayed on your table. 8-]

  5. I'm still waiting for my package.
    Hope it doesn't go astray.

  6. You must be thrilled, so many talented print makers ~ It must feel like Christmas....


Linocut in Progress: Finishing up the dipper

 It can't be avoided anymore. It's time to address the details of this bird.  As many have figured out from the bird's silhouett...