Sunday, December 25, 2011

A little more chilly cheer

Despite our thermometer hovering at 0 F this morning, the DM and I went for a walk down to Sands Lake. (We had to walk there because our cars are still buried under Thursday's snow, complicated by the efforts of the city snow plows.) I hoped the hoarfrost might be as it was yesterday... only this time I remembered to bring a camera. Beauty, eh?


  1. What a tremendously beautiful place you live in! Clearly you have lots of potential new prints with this winter's storm.

  2. What beautiful photos Sherrie! My fave is the one of the lake with fog and ducks.
    Happy Happy Happy New Year!!

  3. Gorgeeishimo! Brrrrrr.
    Happiest of new years to you!

  4. Happy New Year and the photos are lovely, especially as we are sweltering here in Australia!!
    Look forward to new prints taken from these.

  5. Beautiful photos you do live in an amazing part of the world. I am waiting for summer to arrive - the tourists have arrived but no heat yet!!

  6. That's absolutely breathtaking scenery!

    (Thunderstorms here.)

  7. Oh, so lovely! Our typical winter weather of rain here in western Oregon doesn't create landscapes like this. Thanks for braving the cold and sharing!

  8. Gorgeous photos, Sherrie. I remember these days from NE Ohio. As we are in Florida now, will re-visit them in photos only. looking forward to seeing what you do with these for reference. enjoy your new year!

  9. love how it looks, but so glad i don't have to deal with it anymore :p

  10. Just gorgeous!!
    I with I had a winter wonderland to enjoy like you in Oregon it's cloudy and rainy.

  11. Hi all... sorry for the slow response... The last day of 2011 I came down with my first cold of the year. What the..? Finally starting to feel better and anxious to get outside. Our weather turned downright balmy after these pics were taken, and I spent it all on the sofa. (sigh) Ah, well.. plenty more winter to come, I'm sure!


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...