Monday, December 19, 2011

Five Questions/Five Artworks in Wildlife Art Journal

One of the most rewarding aspects of my rather haphazard journey as an artist has been friendships with fabulous artists around the world.

French artist Denis Clavreul and I have been friends since the first time we were both juried in to Birds in Art at the Woodson Art Museum in 1991, and we've worked and traveled together on both sides of the Atlantic many times since then. Imagine my delight when Denis asked to interview me for Wildlife Art Journal's ongoing series "Five Questions/Five Artworks" ! For me, it's a great celebration of 20 years... and of still finding new things to talk about with old friends.

The article went live this evening... Many thanks to editor Todd Wilkinson for the opportunity, and to Denis for giving me lots of food for thought. And a few kicks in the behind when I needed them.

Old friends already.  France 1999. That's Denis on the right.
The angelic figure in the center is Dutch/Australian artist
Robin D'Arcy Shillcock. Whodathunk it would come to this?


  1. Love the 'do in that 1999 photo... How can it be twenty years since you and Denis were juried into Birds and Art together? Jeez. It's a good thing we're not all getting older. Congrats on yet another venue for your work and ideas--the Word of Sherrie spreads far and wide. (Rightfully, and it's high time!)

  2. Great interview read, Sherrie, and how fantastic to have built up such an enduring friendship with a fellow artist. Really interesting about the relationship of sculpting to linocutting. Maybe explains my attraction to wanting to try it!

    Love the pics, too!


Linocut in Progress: Finishing up the dipper

 It can't be avoided anymore. It's time to address the details of this bird.  As many have figured out from the bird's silhouett...