Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Assorted stuff that's come my way recently. Surely you can find SOMETHING here to keep you busy for a while.

Crows can apparently recognize individual humans.

A student at the Rhode Island School of Design has started an art materials 'pedia. Think Wikipedia for art materials. Long way to go, but interesting idea.

Colorado Art Ranch is gearing up for its October Artposium, "What's so funny about art?" They've a great lineup of speakers, including a New Yorker cartoonist and certified laughter yoga instructors.

The Minneapolis Institute of Art has developed a nice set of short videos explaining various printmaking processes. They're up on YouTube, you can see the Relief Printmaking one here.


  1. Thanks for the update on the Marzluff crew's research. Crows and ravens are fascinating.

  2. Pretty intriguing stuff, isn't it Deborah? Thanks for stopping by!


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...