Friday, October 23, 2009

Some Zion sketches, and then back to linos!


  1. Gorgeous! What a lovely use of line and color wash. Makes me want to go to Zion. Now! Of course, I could just be in the mood for a distraction. ;~)

  2. These sketches could leap right off the page and on to the lino, Sherrie. What a fruitful trip and beautiful drawings. The landscape is a relief printers dream.

    I'd have been down below looking up as well - no head of heights.

  3. Sherrie, these are exquisite!!! You really GET this landscape. Stark but seductive, eh?? So glad to spend time with you here and I can't wait for your next visit!!!

  4. I know I sound like a broken record (wow - guess that dates me!) but I just love getting peeks into your sketchbooks. Beautiful.

  5. Gabrielle, I didn't even NOTICE that you said "record," so what does that do for my own aging process?

    Thanks, everyone... it was a right fabulous place to be, with mighty fine company. Now if I could just get back in to a rhythm HERE. (sigh)

  6. Sherrie, Love the sketches and as Robyn said I can see them as lino cuts.


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...