Friday, May 6, 2011

Even more exhibition news!

Well! It turns out today was super-jumbo-bonus envelope day! This morning I got "The Big Envelope" from Birds in Art via email, and this afternoon I got the "Not Quite So Big But Still Significant Envelope" from the Creede National Small Print Show.

Both pieces I submitted to the show were accepted, and one was chosen for the traveling exhibition. That's three-for-three today...can we call it an exhibition trifecta?

11th Annual National Small Print Show
Creede Repertory Theatre
Creede, Colorado
Opening reception: Saturday, May 28th, 4:00pm
Show runs through June.


  1. Can I take a break from the happy dance?

  2. This year has been fantastic for you so far, I look forward to seeing what you'll do next. I'm so pleased for you, have a great weekend.

  3. Wow! Congratulations Sherrie! Happy dancing here too.

  4. A double woooo hooo for you today! I love the big envelop too. Haven't put myself out there lately but Joan Thompson, a friend here in Phoenix, also got into the Creede show and will attend the reception. Maybe you two will meet!

  5. Congratulations and well done. Which pieces did you submit to the small print show?

  6. In honor of your trifecta, I'll be doing the three-step (as opposed to a mere two-step) Happy Dance.

    (And, btw, I've heard oooh's and aaah's uttered by folks mesmerized by your library print, hung just today. Hunh, guess I'd better make that a four-step...)

  7. I'm quite enjoying the mental image of all of you doing happy dances! It makes me smile. (But Dinah, please take a break when you need one!)

    Ah, Wendy...unfortunately the Creede opening is the same weekend as the Colorado Art Ranch Artposium, so I won't be able to go. Again. I think I've been in this show 6 times now, and only once did I make the opening event! (Twice I was turned back by SNOW!)

    Stuart, I submitted the two small pieces I did at the start of the year... the small aspen trees ("On the Ridge") and the dead piñon pine ("Standing Still").

    Eduardo... wow! Sally got that together quickly! I'll have to stop by tomorrow and check it out. :-)


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...