Sunday, March 2, 2014

New Puffin Linocut in Progress: It's The Return of Pajama Printing!

Thanks to a cadre of amazingly wonderful friends the furniture contents and last bits of "stuff" were moved from my now-former studio and into to my new home space yesterday. In typical Sherrie fashion I kept plowing on through the pile after everyone left (I HATE too much disorganized clutter) and by last evening things were put away enough to get to work.

I still have to sort out what to do about my drying rack, since I am not permitted to make holes in the ceiling here. (That's where all the heat supply mechanisms are, apparently.) I'm thinking about doing some sort of wall attachment that can collapse when not in use, but not sure yet.

In the meantime:

Pajamas. In the studio this morning. Appropriately decorated with puffins. This was the first time I was able to roll out of bed and go straight to work in about six months. Heaven.

Drying rack assembly temporarily supported by chairs.

And.... first pass on a new linocut. Life is good!

There are several details to sort out in the new space: The drying rack... lighting... a couple of shelves... but overall I think it's going to be okay. After far too many months of limbo it feels great to be settling into one place and able to look ahead. Tomorrow? That crazy puffin bill!


  1. Sherrie- congrats on the move. i hope the new space brings you much happiness and creative energy!

  2. Another gray rectangle! The start of many a great print.

  3. I'm glad the move worked out, as well as the printing in pajamas!


  4. love the puffin pjs! :D

    glad you are moved in now :)

  5. Thanks, everyone. I got out of my PJs to take a walk yesterday morning, but came home and printed the minute I kicked off my shoes, so it's all good!


Linocut in Progress: That missing blue, and the trouble that came with it.

Part of why I decided to tackle the current linocut in progress was that it gave me an opportunity to work with a different and unexpected ...