Friday, November 27, 2015

Artists: Get organized for the new year!

For my friends on this side of the pond, I hope your Thanksgiving Day was a good one. Here in the Heart of the Rockies it was cold and windy all day, and today? Today we've got a couple of inches of snow on the ground and it's still coming down. My thankfulness extends today to my neighbor, who shoveled my walk before I was even out of bed this morning.

Cold and snowy weather is a great reason to stay home and get some of my nagging administrative tasks accomplished today. I'm a reasonably organized (some say a bit compulsive) person, especially in the studio, but can always use some pointers to be more efficient.

For those Brush and Baren readers who are also working artists, this seems like a great time to introduce you to Alyson Stanfield, the Art Biz Coach. Alyson offers many great courses for artists, both online and live, and including an end-of-the-year Organize Your Art Biz online workshop starting December 1. It's a busy time of year, but how great would it feel to start 2016 knowing you've got workable systems in place? (And it doesn't hurt that she's offering a discounted deal right now, too!)

I've taken courses from Alyson in the past and found them chock full of great tips and ideas. In fact, I'll be revisiting some of her materials in the next few weeks as I start my own planning for the new year. But in the meantime... seems like it's time to show my website some love. I've got recently-completed prints to upload!

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