Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Colorado Field Ornithologists Convention

CFO Convention Logo by Radeaux
After four or five gray, dreary, and snow-filled days (yes, SNOW on May 1) our treasured sunshine has returned to the Heart of the Rockies and it feels a bit more like spring. (Never mind the layer of frost this morning.)

It's none too soon, because this weekend I will be headed to the southeast corner of Colorado for the Colorado Field Ornithologists annual convention. I'll have a small table with a few linos available during vendor hours on Friday and Saturday, but the rest of the time will be mine for poking around looking for spring migrants. The eastern plains sport a different suite of birds than we find up here en las montaƱas, with the possibility of some really fun species like scissor-tailed flycatcher and Mississippi kite. No doubt their spring will be farther along than ours, too.

Online registration for the event is now closed, but if you find yourself in Lamar, Colorado this weekend it's still possible to sign up at the convention headquarters at... the Cow Palace Inn! Maybe I'll see you there...

1 comment:

Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...