Monday, September 22, 2008

Big joy in Linoville!

Ves is back! And despite having a week of catch-up to do in the shop (he's an excellent cabinetmaker at the lumberyard down the street), he squeezed (squoze?) in some time to cut me some little blocks.

Maybe he's just trying to keep me and my piddly-arse jobs at bay for a while, but I asked him for "10 or 12" and I got 24. I'm gonna be carving a goodly while. Yippee!

So. Fresh lino is affixed to this stack (15 blocks). Will be dry in the morning, and hopefully I'll at least have time to get a couple drawn. Look for new tiny linos towards the end of the week.


  1. I'm really inspired by your prints--I'd like to try to play around with something like this myself. I did linocuts way back in the day in college (over 30 years ago!), but bought ready made blocks. Is there a good source of information on how to make your own?

  2. Hi Susan-

    Mounting is really no big deal! I use 3/4" MDF (pressboard) because it raises the block to the height I need in my jig, but I've used 1/4" tempered masonite before, too. I've tried trimming the lino both before I glue it on and after I glue it on... I'm no more efficient one way than another. I affix the lino to the boards with wood glue, and generally leave them under a board and books overnight to make sure it all sticks well. That's it!

  3. Thanks, Sherrie--

    That sounds pretty straightforward. I'm going to have to try it, I think.

    I'm not used to visualizing in "linocut," though, so it will take some false starts, I'm sure.

    Many years ago I was a fine arts major as an undergrad. I took a printmaking course and I think I would have enjoyed it if the professor hadn't been so intent on being frightening. He always made the students cry...:)

    So I guess I've shied away from it all these years from those bad memories. Your work has inspired me to try it again!

  4. SLY,

    I just went down to the P.O. and my teeny tiny linos were waiting for me--I LOOOOOVE them! Thanks so much! Can't wait to hang them on my wall!

  5. Yay! JND's prints are in AZ. Thanks for letting me know.

    And Susan... oh, NO! A professor to make people cry. I had a painting teacher like that once. Ooph. Just remember, living well is the best revenge. ;-) Make prints!

  6. Will do. I'm headed to my favorite art supply store this afternoon. Wish I had kept some of the supplies from all those years ago.

    Anyway, I'll let you know how it all turns out...

  7. Do let me see! I'm delighted you're going to give it a try. A hint when you're carving: warmer lino carves WAY easier than cold. It's getting to the time of year when it makes a difference!

    Have fun!


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...