Once again the Dynamic Duo were on the road this week. We spent the weekend due west of here in the area of Montrose, Colorado and the fabulous Black Canyon of the Gunnison. The main excuse for the trip was a surprise birthday party for a former colleague, but we also checked out the gallery situation and did a little hiking at the Canyon. Yes, you're right. We went someplace with ridiculous heights again. What WERE we thinking?

I just think he looks like someone who is thinking
very hard about not stepping backwards into an abyss.
It's been great to be out and about so much in the past two months, but we are ready to be home for a little bit. Plenty to do around here. Of course, the little linocut project is high on the list... but YIKES! I learned this morning that the fella who cuts my mounting boards for me is gone hunting this week. Drama ensues! I'm going to have to find someone else if I'm going to get any prints carved this week. What? Diverge from my usual routine? AGAIN?
There are house projects and music projects for the DM. I have a set of 6 interp panels to finish this week, and some coloring pages to illustrate, and some skill cards to create, and a shopping cart to install on the website. (A shopping cart, you say? Does this have anything to do with tiny linos? Why, yes. Yes it does.)
So no rest for the wicked. We're here until the first weekend in October, when we're attending (and the DM is performing for) the Colorado Art Ranch Artposium... but we won't be letting any grass grow under our behinds. Or however that saying goes.
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