Monday, May 25, 2009

Holiday puttering

We started to dry out today from our lovely, crazy four days of rain. The DM and I tackled what yard chores we could (did the grass REALLY grow six inches in four days?), put the finishing touches on the cover for the new CD (possibly going off to production tomorrow!), and participated in obligatory firing-up of the grill for Memorial Day supper.

In between all of that, I finished building two and a half new leather journals. Yippee! Probably they will make their way to the Etsy store in the next few days. Book building will probably be a little more common in the next few weeks, as I'm gearing up for display and presentation of book arts miscellany at The Book Haven during Salida ArtWalk. It's always satisfying to see a shelf of freshly-made journals just waiting to be filled!

1 comment:

  1. those journals are gorgeous! I'm going to have to save up to buy one in the future.


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