Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Workshops and art shows and music gigs, Oh My!

It's mind-boggling (and slightly terrifying) to realize that this coming weekend will be the Memorial Day holiday. The "official" start of the summer season! Yikes!

Here's what's on the (too) near horizon:

Creede Arts Council National Small Print Show
at the Creede Repertory Theatre, Creede, Colorado
I have two linocuts in this exhibition, which opens this Friday, May 22 and runs through June 28. Unfortunately, due to schedule conflicts, we're going to miss the opening again this year, but hope to get up there before the show comes down.

Jon MacManus at the Paquette Gallery
Salida, Colorado
Friend Jon is the reason we won't be in Creede. The DM will be playing for the opening reception, Friday, May 22, 6-8pm.

Journal Jumpstart Workshop
Salida, Colorado
Revive a sluggish journal habit or launch a new one with me. Saturday, June 13, 9:00am-1:00pm. Details and registration on the GARNA website.

Salida ArtWalk
Salida, Colorado
June 26-28
Stroll the Heart of the Rockies while checking out local art and artisans. Roberta Smith, Lisa DeYoung and I will be holding down the fort at The Book Haven, dazzling visitors with handmade books, artist books, and sculptural books! The Darling Man (as soon as that CD comes out I'm going to have to start calling him by his real name) has THREE (count 'em) venues to play that weekend, including some afternoon hours at The Book Haven. Come on up!

Crested Butte Wildflower Festival
Crested Butte, Colorado
July 6-12
I have field sketching, journal-making, and journal-filling workshops scheduled Tuesday-Saturday of the week. Online registration is available now on the CBWF website.

I also still have work hanging at Mother's Bistro in Buena Vista, through June 2. If you saw the show early, you probably have to go see it again. About half the show has been replaced at some point, as sold pieces keep wandering out the door. (Hooray!)


  1. Geez! I'll probably never see you this summer, as busy as you are.... Congratulations!

  2. We are tentatively planning on doing the artwalk in Salida. Might see you there.

  3. Oh, Susan... you're one to talk! I'll bet you haven't been home the same amount of time you've been away for the last 3 months.

    Justin! Do stop by. I'll be at Book Haven from 4-8 on the Saturday of ArtWalk. David will be... hmm... at Krivanek Jewelers on the corner of F and 1st that evening. I think.

  4. Ahhhhhh!!!!!! Summer in Salida. I recall telling my mother during my first summer in Salida that I had never enjoyed summer anywhere so much.

    All that art, wonderful workshops. I'm drooling! :-D


  5. Hey Lindy- Come on up and play! We'll be here. Sorta. Sometimes. ;-)


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...