Sunday, May 24, 2009

Unusual weekend in progress

Here in the Heart of the Rockies we are experiencing our fourth straight day of clouds and rain showers. I realize that in most of the rest of the universe this is normal, but for us it's practically unheard of. RAIN? For FOUR DAYS? In a place with an average annual precip of only 10" or so?

So it's a peculiar holiday weekend that we have underway.

Friday night David played for the opening reception of Jon MacManus's show at the Paquette Gallery here in Salida. Despite the rain Jon enjoyed a fine turnout, and the venue gave us not only a view of Jon's fine work, but also a front row seat for the chocolate brown turbulence of the Arkansas River in runoff. We've already had surges of 2400 cfs, above the 100-year average for this time of year. It's not as high yet as it was in peak last year, but it's getting close! All this rain is definitely adding to the drama.

Personal creative dramas are also playing out. Weekend linocut experiments are so far showing dubious potential for success. Can YOU make any sense out of this mess?

I can't, either, but I'm trying to maintain a certain amount of optimism. Or at least flexibility. It's the mantra of the weekend, since all of our big outdoor plans have been washed away with the current. We desperately needed the moisture, though, so no one is really complaining.

We'll see what tomorrow brings!


  1. I think they have a lot of potential

    just work into them a little - smudges of pastel? that blends well with monoprinting

    Towering clouds, small house/barn - I like them

  2. I see cloudscapes, perhaps mountains(?) and beautiful colors.

    Rain - 4 days of rain. We have not seen anything like that in the Sonoran Desert for eons. Send some our way - puhleeze!

    Your DM seems to be making beautiful music everywhere you go. Wonderful! :-D


  3. Curiously enough, Vivien, they ARE supposed to be a backdrop for a barn silhouette. I haven't quite finished the carving for it.

    None of this is what I actually envisioned behind the barn, so I think more experiments and then maybe a do over. We'll see!


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...